Alex's Birthday Ticker

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Week 15

Week 15 Updates
Alex trying to roll over

Baby push ups!
This week has been a busy one for little Alex. Here are her updates:
1. Alex got to celebrate her first Halloween and she had her very own pumpkin.
2. She went trick-or-treating for the first time.
3. She is starting to try and roll over. She can get onto her side just fine but is unsure what to do from there. 
4. She can really hold her head up now and she can lift her head off the ground for quite a long time when she is on her tummy. 
5. While she is cooing, she is making more pronounced M sounding coos. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, she's getting so big! Way to go Alex. She'll be rolling around the room before you know it. Evie's still unsure what to do when she gets to her side most of the time, but she's started rolling all the way over more often.
