Alex's Birthday Ticker

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Week 29

Week 29 Updates:
1. Alex amazes me everyday. She is becoming more and more aware of her surroundings and she is even starting to respond to her name!
2. She is learning to differentiate between her toys and picking a specific one to play with. Right now, her favorite toys are her Sophie Giraffe and her pacifier. While Alex is playing, she will find her pacifier and put it in her mouth and then keeps on playing. 
3. Alex has been trying some Yogurt melt-aways and cereal puffs. Right now, she likes the puffs better and she will try and gum them when we give them to her. So cute!
4. She made some new friends when Mommy's friend Hannah and her boyfriend Scott came over.

1 comment:

  1. Yea, Alex! That is such a cute photo. She is so adorable with the buffalo and her boots on. Puffs are so much fun, Evie likes hers too. I haven't tried yogurt one yet. We'll have to try those. :)
